baroscope|baroscopes in English


instrument that shows differences in air pressure and density

Use "baroscope|baroscopes" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "baroscope|baroscopes" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "baroscope|baroscopes", or refer to the context using the word "baroscope|baroscopes" in the English Dictionary.

1. Baroscopes barotrauma barotraumas Barotraumata barouche barouches barque barquentine barquentines barques barr barrack barracked barracking barrackings barracks barracoon barracoons - Dicionário de palavras semelhantes, Diferentes palavras, …

2. Baroreceptor reflex baroreflex baroscope Barosma barotactic barotaxes barotaxis barotrauma barotraumas Barotraumata Barr body barred barrel chest barren barrenness Barrett's epithelium Barrett's esophagus barrier barring bartholinites bartholinitis Bartholin's gland bartonella Bartonellaceae bartonelloses bartonellosis Bartter's syndrome